Ayurveda As A Choice Of Treatment


Ayurveda, the science of life, is over 5000 years old. It was discovered by the Hindu sages in India. Ayurveda is a traditional medical system in which no single treatment is applicable for all ailments. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that "the medicine of the future will be based on plant extracts".

Ayurveda nowadays is receiving so much popularity for its natural remedies. According to the WHO, 70% of the world's population still relies on traditional medicine for primary health care needs. Similarly Ayurveda Hospitals in Kalyan West  has immense potential in India and many people are approaching Ayurvedic doctors rather than allopathic ones because they have little faith in the latter.

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word which means "life knowledge" or "longevity", and also the ancient Indian medical system that developed from it. In this field, India occupies a very important position, as it is supposed to have been at its zenith when no other country had yet discovered it. Therefore the term Ayurveda is often used to denote Indian medicine.

According to scientific research, this medical system has its origin in the Vedas which are India's ancient scriptures compiled between 1500 and 600 BC. Its principles were enunciated at that time in the Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and the Ayurveda Prakriti Chikitsa.

In this system, the human body consists of three fundamental principles called Doshas, namely Vatha or wind which causes movement, Pitta or bile which causes heat and Kapha or phlegm which causes stability. If any of these is in excess, a diseased state is produced in the body. The purpose of Ayurveda is to promote health and long life with no side effects by preventing these build-ups through appropriate dietary, lifestyle and medicinal programmes. In addition, it also deals with many other diseases for which modern medicine has no solution.

Ayurveda Vedic treatments as an alternative for all those patients, who feel uncomfortable with modern medicine.

So far, the government of many country has not shown interest in promoting Ayurveda. One reason could be that they are unaware of its potential or else they give more importance to modern medicine. Whatever may be the reason, it is high time that our government takes note of the benefits of Ayurveda and do something for this ancient system of medicine.Ayurveda Hospitals in Kalyan West try to maintain our culture.

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