Reasons You Need To Stop Stressing About Back Pain Treatment

What causes your back pain and what will fix it? This article attempts to answer both questions. Before we get into the research, though, you should know this: The majority of doctors agree that surgery is not an effective Back Pain Treatment in Kalyan for low back pain (LBP).

Back Pain Treatment in Kalyan

 In fact, pretty much every major medical body in the world, from the American Medical Association to the Cochrane Collaboration have come out strongly against spine surgery for LBP. This statement from the AMA does a good job of summarizing the state of affairs: "Surgery is NOT indicated solely for diagnosis and patients should not expect that surgery will cure their underlying mechanical problem." And yet, LBP surgery rates continue to rise.

What gives? Why is back pain treatment often ineffective, and why aren't we getting the message? There's no single answer to this question, but there are a lot of things we can do better: What we know about low back pain – or any other area of health – is limited at best. There's a lot we don't know, and a lot that can go wrong when a doctor tries to fix a problem, he/she doesn't understand the full extent of.

Patients need to be better educated about their Back Pain Treatment in Kalyan options, and they need to demand more from doctors. That means doing research outside of the medical literature, working with a variety of experts, and asking a lot of questions before you decide on a course of action.Doctors need to do a better job of informing patients about their options. As long as surgery is presented as the best option for most people with LBP, many doctors will continue to promote it. The spine surgery industry needs to change its practices in a number of ways – from advertising to ethics – and so does insurance, which often pays for unnecessary procedures.

1) You Don't Have a Disc Problem The majority of chronic lower back pain patients don't have a disc problem. 

In other words, their discs aren't degenerating dangerously or causing significant nerve problems. This isn't just an opinion – it's what the research shows. Studies that have evaluated large groups of people with chronic low back pain found that most didn't have evidence of serious disc degeneration, and that few patients who hadn't had an "episode" showed advanced nerve problems

2) Indiscriminate Surgery Doesn't Work There's good news here: The majority of people with low back pain do get better

Unfortunately, indiscriminate surgery doesn't make most patients any more likely to feel better. In fact, research suggests that when the majority of people with LBP are treated indiscriminately (with no clear evidence of a disc problem or neurological involvement), fewer than half improve in five years (!), which is one reason the medical profession in general has been moving away from surgery in favour of more conservative treatments (i.e., watch and wait, or targeted exercise therapy). The problem is that people with LBP have been told for years that they should have spine surgery if their pain isn't improving after a few months, so many go from doctor to doctor looking for relief. That means they often end up with unnecessary surgery (or live in pain for years), which has real consequences besides the increased risk of paralysis, infection, blood clots, and neurological damage. But it's not all bad news.

3) Targeted Therapy Works Some patients do have a disc problem that causes significant nerve problems. 

If you have a serious degenerative disc and it's cutting off the nerve in your low back, surgery may be helpful. However, not everyone with these symptoms requires surgery. In fact, when you look at patients who have already had spine surgery (for reasons other than LBP), there's no evidence that surgery helps more than non-surgical therapy. In other words, targeted exercise therapy works just as well as spine surgery in this population. And you know what? There's a lot of evidence that it works for people who haven't already had a disc problem or a surgical intervention.

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